Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) | South Korea - Seoul

3F, 62, Wausan-ro 27-gil, Mapo-gu, 麻浦區, 04053 首爾, 韓國

Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) 的描述

Easytrip Guesthouse 位於首爾,距離弘益大學不到 1 公里,距離梨花女子大學不到 3.4 公里,客房均附空調和共用衛浴。此住宿距離南大門市場約 6 公里,距離東和免稅店 6 公里,距離 I'Park 購物中心 7 公里。住宿可欣賞市景,並設有露台和 24 小時接待櫃台,全館可使用免費 WiFi。


Easytrip Guesthouse 距離景福宮 7 公里,距離曹溪寺 7 公里。

Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) 的房间选择

Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) 的服務

衛浴 衛生紙, 毛巾, 額外收費的毛巾/床單, 額外的廁所, 共用廁所, 免費盥洗用品, 共用衛浴, 吹風機
臥室 床單
景色 市景, 地標景
戶外 野餐區, 室外傢俱, 戶外用餐區, 戶外傢俱, 露臺, 燒烤設施 另外收費, 戶外休息區, 露台
廚房 洗衣機
客房設施 床邊插座, 吊衣架
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。
客廳 休息區
餐飲服務 瓶裝水
網路 免費! 住宿方于全館提供WiFi(免費)。
停車場 無停車設施。
服務項目 儲物櫃, 行李寄存, 洗衣 另外收費, 24 小時接待櫃檯
迎賓接待服務 可提供發票
安全 滅火器, 公共區域設有監視器, 偵煙探測器, 24 小時警衛
綜合設施 電熱毯, 吸菸區, 空調, 全面禁菸, 蚊帳, 暖氣, 私人入口, 暖氣, 家庭房, 禁菸客房, 空調
無障礙設施 高樓層(只有樓梯), 整間住宿都位在地面層
安全設施 住宿提供顧客可使用的體溫計, 有需要時可諮詢衛生保健專家, 有急救箱, 執行檢查住客健康狀況的流程, 在房內和重要區域放置手部消毒液, 不再使用共用的文具,例如紙本菜單、雜誌、紙筆, 工作人員遵守當地政府機關下達的所有安全指示
保持社交距離 於合適的區域在工作人員和住客之間放置隔板或任何可阻隔接觸的實物, 客房服務行動 APP, 遵守保持社交距離的規定, 可用現金以外的方式付款, 辦理入住/退房手續零接觸
清潔與消毒 住客可選擇取消住宿期間的清潔服務, 由專業清潔公司打掃住宿, 清潔後封閉住客房間, 接待每組住客的間隔均消毒房間, 遵照當地主管機關建議方式清洗床單、毛巾和衣物, 使用能有效對付新冠病毒的化學清潔藥劑
飲食安全 外送食物有良好包裝, 所有餐盤、餐具、玻璃杯等其他餐桌用品皆經過消毒, 用餐區保持社交距離
使用的語言 英語, 韓語

Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) 條件

入住時間 15:00~00:00
退房時間 11:00 前
預訂取消/ 預付政策 取消和預付款政策根據各種住宿類型而有所不同。 請輸入您的入住日期並參閱您所需的客房的條款。
孩童加床選項 歡迎任何年齡的孩童入住
年齡不限 此住宿無入住年齡限制
此住宿接受以下信用卡別 伊思特普旅館接受上列信用卡並有權於抵達前暫時保留部分款項。
吸菸政策 禁止吸菸
須放低音量的時段 住客必須在 23:00~08:00 放低音量
寵物 不允許攜帶寵物入住。

請提前告知Easytrip Guesthouse您預計抵達的時間。您可以在訂房時使用特殊要求方框通知對方,或透過確認函上提供的聯絡資料直接與住宿處聯繫。


What is the average price to stay at Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館)?

The average price is 16 usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates. usd for the next dates. To know more details, please enter your arrival and departure dates.

Easytrip Guesthouse 的 100% 真實評論


旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Easytrip Guesthouse,你會強調什麼
here is center of hongdae, which is good for hanging out especially during the night. price was also reasonable. staff was kind. acutally there was a trouble-the hostel charged me twice by mistake but tried to settle the problem asap, so that was okay for me
No curtain for each bed. the room was too small to arrange your luggages
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Easytrip Guesthouse,你會強調什麼
the location is great, near to Hongik station direct to Airport. the host very helpful, room, toilet, makeup room soo clean and nice.
hope provide indoor pantry.
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Easytrip Guesthouse,你會強調什麼
Most things were great, the staff was very helpful and...
Most things were great, the staff was very helpful and amicable, our location was the best, the facilities were clean and whenever it was less clean you could easily see it was the other guests fault, safe
Stairs, if you are coming with luggage you have quite a flight of stairs to climb, however I must point out that the staff helped us with our (very heavy) luggage, both in arrival and departure. They could have a kettle for tea lovers
旅行的目的: Leisure trip
關於 Easytrip Guesthouse,你會強調什麼
This guesthouse had extremely comfortable beds.
This guesthouse had extremely comfortable beds. The location is also really great and convenient. The staff are friendly and helpful as well.
There are some things that need to be repaired, especially in the woman's bathroom, but it's not a big issue.

Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) 附近
South Korea / Seoul


Kakao Friends Concept Museum Kakao Friends Concept Museum
0.2 km
Hongik University Station Hongik University Station
0.2 km
0.2 km
EXiT Hongdae EXiT Hongdae
0.3 km
New Balance New Balance
0.3 km


Hongik University Hongik University
0.5 km
Ewha Womans University Ewha Womans University
2 km
Seoul Station Seoul Station
4 km
I'Park Mall I'Park Mall
4.5 km
Namdaemun Market Namdaemun Market
4.6 km

Connections & Popular Places of interest


Restaurant 홍대쌀국수 Restaurant
0 km

Cafe/bar 미향이네포장마차 Cafe/bar
0 km

Supermarket 무과수마트 Supermarket
0.1 km

Market 망원시장 Market
3 km

River 한강 River
3 km

- Easytrip Guesthouse(伊思特普旅館) -

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